July 14, 2018


MATHEMATICS is also one aspect (Dimension?) that is strewn all over just as Space and Time. Just as Space and Time start getting counted, as soon as an activity starts taking place, Mathematics also starts getting applied from that moment.

In my student days, Physics and Chemistry always sounded glamorous and popular, and the findings in these subjects found immediate applications in all products and processes that were being developed all over the world, contributing to the development and welfare of the people And also jobs. But Mathematics stood next to them like the poor cousin Cinderella though attractive and beautiful the subject as it was, it was very much uncared for. It looked full of only theories, theorems,  formulas and equations all remaining in paper, only some of it getting applied in Physics and Chemistry, and most of it remaining idle, though some of it found as mathematical application itself just as in surveying, astronomy, computer applications and the like.

Now, the Mathematics has come into its own, with huge applications in Space Travel, Super Computers, actuaries, statistics, share market predictions and the like.

But, come to think of it, everything happening in this world is applying some form of Mathematics, whether they are inanimate things or the living beings or are even in the arena of mind or psche. Thus, the moment a male sperm makes contact with the female egg they combine and start multiplying in the geometric proportions 2 -4- 8- 16 -32 …..  The formations and growth of organs in a human being or any living being follows some mathematic discipline. DNA acts as a blue print for the programme  as per which the body develops and functions. Apart from seeing and admiring all the colours, designs and patterns that we see in all flowers and leaves of plants and trees, imagine how much mathematics is going into it! Everywhere, everything follows some mathematics – Not exactly using something like human brains, but, by using something dictated by super intelligence strewn in nature, not yet found by us human beings.

But, the brilliancy does not stop there! The mathematical theories and formulas etc are strewn all over, waiting only for the right person/character to pick it up!

Thus, Calculus was discovered and Newton used it to explain Gravity and Gravitational theory. Albert Einstein used the formulas called the Lorentz Transformations to explain the theory of relativity. But, the systems existed even before these discoveries obeying the mathematics involved to the core.  And the mathematics existed even before that. Ramanujan the great mathematician discovered so many number theories, and people were wondering what use they will be put in. But these discoveries eventually found their applications in computers.

Every year mathematics experts and researchers will keep coming out with new theories and discoveries. Every year, we will find that some of these have been applied in such and such systems and we may find new applications of these discoveries as well. But, the discoveries will outnumber applications , and more so the undiscovered Mathematics will outnumber the discovered part.
Just as ‘AUM’ is said to be spread all over the Universe, so seem to be Mathematics.

Once, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa handed over a pink rose to a devotee, and that devotee expressed his desire to beget one white rose from Paramahamsa. Paramahamsa looked at the plant from which he plucked the pink rose, and expressed that somehow he was not very good at mathematical aspect of the devotion. But, next day, when the devotee again came to have His darshan, Paramahamsa pointed the devotee towards that flowering plant and the devotee to his amazement saw the plant full of white roses.