Body and Life are the two facets in any person that are
inseparable. Each one has a bearing on the other. While the medical fraternity
has analyzed the parts, features and functions of the body thoroughly, not much
progress has been made in the analysis of Life in a person. May be the scholars
have categorized all life forms existing in the world, may be psychology studies the mind and there are studies that deal with psychosomatic illness or pain caused in the body because of
abnormality of mind or such factor, but,
we have not gained so far the complete knowledge about Life. Only the Indian
Medicine attempts to study Life. Some Sadhus (saints) have/had complete control
over their life, and they have even attempted to impart this knowledge and
understanding of life to all the common people around, but, this has not been
understood much by the people at large.
There are/were many people who occupied the centre stage in
the world who are/were full of Life Energy! Swami Vivekananda among saints, John
Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Indira Gandhi among political leaders, Bill Gates
among industrialists and innovators, Leonardo Dicaprio, Peter O’Toole, Clarke
Cable, Vivian Leigh, Rajesh Khanna, and Rajini Kanth among actors are some of
the people among many who exhibited/exhibit bountiful Life Energy. The people
who are full of Life energy are full of verve, zest and zeal, they are leaders in
whatever field they get into and they are adored by the people surrounding
them. Their dynamism, verve, zest and zeal catch on to the other people fast.
How does one acquire this boundless Life energy??
The answer may surprise us in that it is a regulator switch in each
one of us by putting on which, we let the Life energy in full flow in to our
system. Just any of us feel and make himself/herself ‘on’, and to one’s fullest, and in no time he/she will see himself/herself in full energetic form with verve, zest and zeal. There is a
catch though – It doesn't come easy even to set oneself on. There may be so
much of laziness, procrastination, depression, fear and disbelief etc in each
one of us that simply the system will refuse to comply with to being put on.
The body has its own life, mind and intellect within the precincts of
a person that has an impact on life. At cellular level, DNA accumulates the
knowledge and experience into its fold, adds these along with what it already has, makes use of these to good extent and
passes on these to the next generation through its due share. Within the body
itself there is so much interaction and communication that are sometimes hardly
noticed by the person. Thus if an injury is caused to a person, the injured
part sends the message, the brain gets into remedial action, pools up the other
parts’ efforts and act till the person is cured of the illness caused by the
injury and becomes completely alright. Our own intellect is somehow not capable
of such knowledge before hand, unless it opens itself to Universal Existence. The life
itself could be contributing to this life in the body, and both this life and
the life in the body could be part and the parcel of this Universal Existence.
There is total knowledge in each one of us, without any of us being much aware
of it! It goes to prove the adage, “What is in Macrocosm is in Microcosm!”.
The life of the body and its very living is a natural phenomenon – its eating
habits, sleep, sex, and all other aspects of life are all normal. But, anything
excess is bad. Thus, food is a basic requirement for the body, but, excess of
food is detrimental. And so are, sleep, sex, alcohol or any other aspect. But,
the mind having tasted the pleasure from any one or all of these, wants more
and more of these and will not like to settle for anything less. It wants to
gloat in this enjoyment and indulges more and more into these pleasures to the
avoidance of all other activities vital for the survival. The thoughts and
actions surround only these activities. The deprivation from these pleasures
causes uncontrollable anger. The thought of somebody or something depriving the
person of these pleasures induces fear in him/her. The person gets jealousy of
somebody enjoying equally like him/her or more. The whole existence like this
gives him/her immense pride and leads to bloated ego. The person gets totally
sunk into this way of existence.
But, the enjoyment diminishes over time, but, the person’s
habit/addiction will not let him/her go. He/she experiences pain and gets
diseases, and yet he/she cannot let go of his/her habits. There may occur
innumerable other blocks, still he/she may not opt to come out of it. Finally,
he/she succumbs to it totally and inescapably bears and suffers the
consequences of these acts. Worse, the person is not in total agreement with
himself/herself or in total harmony with himself/herself and is dissatisfied
with himself/herself.
Only a few are lucky to be borne into best circumstances. Barring
these, the rest are all borne into different forms and levels of laziness,
procrastination, depression, fear and disbelief and such. To these are added the
form of indulgence and addiction as described above, and the pathetic situation
of the person is complete.
And to come out of it all and get rid of these all, all one has to do
is to switch oneself on. That is it! “On
means exactly that, ‘On’. ‘On’ means to get rid of all these negative
qualities in one, like indulgence and addiction, which habits, one doesn't
approve of in oneself. ‘On’ means to completely get rid of the fear, and face
the ensuing days courageously. ‘On’ means not to procrastinate one’s acts,
either due to laziness, or, out of fear or such reasons. ‘On’ means not to
succumb to self pity and depression. ‘On’ means to take oneself seriously and
not succumb to disbelief. And just be on and, on to your fullest, and all the ‘do’s
and don’ts mentioned above occur naturally and instantaneously.
‘On’ means to swim over all that is not wanted by one oneself, and all that is
unacceptable to one, and rise, rise and rise above all of these. One gets fresh
and energetic naturally and one acts to one’s fullest efficiency.
These are naturally accruing benefits. I comprehend that much more
benefits may come in one’s way! One gets automatically connected to Universal Existence and gains knowledge without effort. Happiness engulfs one naturally.
Unimaginably wonderful ideas and thoughts occur to one from nowhere and which
are beneficial to the world and which may catapult one to limelight and fame. Music flows into one, and one sees fun and joy all
around him.
Normally, most of us are not fully on most of the time, and my guess is that a person may be on up to 20% or 30%. If the job on hand requires our urgent attention and focus, the 'On' factor may rise up to 50%. If the person loves his job and has full interest in the execution of the same, the 'On' factor may rise even to 80%. If a person is on 100%, he becomes enlightened.
Normally, most of us are not fully on most of the time, and my guess is that a person may be on up to 20% or 30%. If the job on hand requires our urgent attention and focus, the 'On' factor may rise up to 50%. If the person loves his job and has full interest in the execution of the same, the 'On' factor may rise even to 80%. If a person is on 100%, he becomes enlightened.
There are people who are so diffident and lacking in self confidence that
their each one’s life/intellect/mind does not control the body completely, the
personality projection is vague and unclear and doesn't look belonging. Such
people look anaemic. The nutrients of whatever good food they eat don’t seem to
be absorbed and all the food doesn't seem to get digested. They are poor
eaters. One’s life and body shall belong to each other and gel well to be
healthy. In some others, this not belonging to the body causes slouch and laziness. And they get the pregnant tummy look. One shall love himself/herself and one shall totally identify oneself with the body and enjoy life, but, see that one doesn't succumb to its demands and that discretion is exercised.
When the body and mind/life gel well, the food one eats gets well digested and the nutrients are well absorbed by the body. The body becomes fluent and throbbing and looks full of life.
That 'Life' is a scientific quantity is proved by the very fact that a person lives only till he/she is alive, that is his/her Life is in his/her body, and the moment the person dies, that is when the Life goes out of the body, the body gets decomposed in no time. Life is formless as far as we know, and about its qualities and properties, we have not studied much to codify them
Disclaimer: I have expressed my thoughts on this subject for the
benefit and welfare of the mankind. But, I am not an expert on this subject. I
don’t belong to Medical profession or profession in Psychology/psychiatry. There
may be some thoughts which may not be correct. I request the readers to take
only what appeals as correct, experiment with it and verify the same as
correct, and then take into one’s fold. I am a co traveler and student as all of you in this. Thank