February 16, 2010

Desirable Management Attitudes 2

The Hindu dharma spells out that you are only a trustee of the wealth you possess indicating that apart from keeping some wealth for one's welfare, one should put back the rest for the welfare of the people at large around one and for the society. Mahathma Gandhi and Rajaji great leaders of India during Freedom struggle, supported this theory vociferously.

To think back, eventhough, this notion appears to be a philanthraphic act of a high order, which it is, it is also on the basis of Law of Nature, where Might is Right. Initially, when civilization was dawning on earth, whoever was mighty robbed the wealth from others and kept it to himself/herself. Over a period, while one section continued to practise this law of 'might is right' and became kings, rulers and chieftons, the rest obtained truce with them, agreed to pay some tax to these people periodically in order to allow them to keep their wealth to themselves and prosper and also to get some security for themselves and their wealth. Thus were borne the States and countries. Over a time democracy set in many countries, where people bacame the rulers. Hereagain, we see that the Democracy dawned in many countries, mainly because, the kings kept most of the wealth to themselves and did not spend any money for the Public welfare. Even after democracy has started functioning, the wealthy ones keep amassing more and more wealth and have started keeping the wealth to themselves, proclaiming that it is the outcome of their hard labour. The divide between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider.

In King's case, when the policemen were let free by the court of justice, violence was let loose in some towns and cities in USA, during which many malls and super markets were vandalized and looted. The owners of these malls and super markets complained that whatever they had saved over the years putting hard work and serving the local people were all gone. But, the version of the local people was different. They said that the people were supporting these stores all over these years, but the owners did nothing for the development of the locality, and instead went on amassing wealth.

Such will be the cases in future, if the companies concentrate only on profit ignoring the welfare of the people around them. This may result in the extinction of a set of people on either side, and the end result will not be palatable to us.

Nowatimes, the Corporates are becoming more and more socially responsible, atleast some. And you will be amazed to find that their equity value increases because of this. The image and the brand recall are far better for such companies and there are indirect, unforeseeable and unpredictable benefits that accrue to such companies. The Corporates concentrate on bringing healthcare and education to the local people, make the whole place greener, make the people computer savvy, increase the job oppurtunities and serve in so many other ways!

Even the staff of such companies are benevolent. They offer their services as volunteers to NGOs, and are also regular contributors to blood bank and such.

In all, it is a totally welcome outcome!

February 13, 2010

Desirable Management Attitudes 1

Let us not pollute the air and atmosphere.

Water is too precious. Drinking water, agriculture, and ecological balance are the first set of priorities for usage of water. Let us not waste it much on industrial use.

Let us not pollute water. Already, Industrial effluents, dyes and chemicals and untreated sewage etc are let into rivers and water bodies in many places, contaminating these water sources and also the sub soil around totally. Two known examples are Noyyal Aaru(river) in Tirupur and Koovam river in Chennai. Let us not do it in future, and let us also retrieve the polluted and contaminated water bodies.

Recycling is very important!

Recycling retrieves very important raw materials, and as important, it contributes to lessening the contamination, pollution, and global warming.

Example 1: Fly Ash, a Byproduct of Thermal Power Plants is used in the manufacture of blended cement, improving the quality of cement, and saving on raw materials used in the manufacture of cement. Now the use of Fly ash is extended into making building blocks in lieu of bricks thereby saving on the top soil of fertile agricultural lands. Fly Ash if left as waste will occupy huge lands and will also pollute the atmosphere as hazardous dust.

Example 2: Chennai Corporation has advised people to seggragate organic and inorganic waste. This way we can use the organic waste for vermicomposting or for power generation, while plastics, metals and minerals are retrieved for recycling. We also avoid burning plastics in the process, and thus preventing letting in poisonous fumes into atmosphere.

Example 3: Near Coimbatore, sewage water is treated fully. While a huge agricultural farm is supported by the retrieved effluents and the manure obtained from this, the water is recycled for agricultural and industrial purposes. The purity of water is as good as drinking water.

Example 4: If the existing Tar topping is reused when the road is relaid, not only you save on tar, the road level also does not go up, thus causing no hardship to the buildings around.

These are examples we all can understand easily, while there are thousands of more ways things are recycled. I am sad that the building debris which contains precious materials such as cement, is under used as a land filling and level raising material only. Instead, building blocks may be made of it. A better option still is that the buildings are constructed out of blocks that are dismantable and reusable.

Much research is needed for retrieving from e-waste that contaminates and pollutes.

Thus let us not waste anything that has been extracted from Mother Earth. Let us also not extract from Mother Earth unnecessarily.

Why manufacture products in the first place that will not find much use in this world and that will end up fast as waste? Thousands of cars, TVs etc may be ending up as unsold, inspite of vigorous sales promotions, only because the manufacturers were over confident and over ambitious in projecting the demand. The manufacturers finally end up bankrupt. Sad! Worse is the fact that the resourses get that much depleted! And worse still is that the Plant and machinery are also put into disuse. I appreciate the manufacturers of cars and such products allowing other manufacturers to utilize any excess capacity available in the plant. A healthy cooperation!

A not well designed product, say a car or an airconditioner will consume more energy which is becoming a rare commodity.

Put everything into optimum use. Don't manufacture a less efficient product, if a more efficient one is available, and there is no demand for the less efficient. For example, incandescent lamps are being phased out as more and more CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) flood the market.

Much study and research is needed in calculating and projecting the exact demands for various products so that we don't manufacture excess quantities in these. Even the period over which the demand will be there may be calculated, and at the end of the period, the plants may be dismantled and recycled, especially in these days of hectic competition and upgradation.

Much study and research is needed to find out and tabulate the various ways of recycling, as also the products, places and situations that need recycling. Allied to this subject is the study how to prevent contamination and pollution of land, water and atmosphere.

With more and more automation taking place, less people are needed for running the factories etc, and more people are available for other purposes. Some of them may be utilized for projecting the demands for various products. This subject, and the subject of recycling as well as prevention of contamination and pollution may all be introduced as collage degree courses, as also as subjects for research, and in schools.

Let us safeguard the society around, the nation and the world...